
How to Reboot Your Windows Computer

Rebooting a computer can help fix problems with slow browser response times, hardware or software malfunctions, and limited access to the internet. It basically resets any code that isn’t functioning properly and keeps the machine operating efficiently.

Please follow below steps to reboot your windows computer; –

Save your work: Please make sure to save any unsaved documents or projects that you are working on to avoid losing any data before rebooting computer or laptop.

Close applications: Close all open applications and programs running on your computer. You can do this by clicking the “X” button in the top-right corner of each application window.


Click on the Start menu: In the bottom-Center corner of your screen (Windows 11), you will see Start menu icon, typically represented by the Windows logo. Click on it, and the Start menu will open.

Start menu in Windows 11

Select the power icon: Within the Start menu, you will see a power icon, which is usually located near the bottom-left side. It resembles a circle with a vertical line in the middle. Click on this icon.

Power-Icon in windows 11

Choose “Restart”: After clicking the power icon, a menu will appear with several options, including “Shut down,” “Restart,” and “Sleep.” Select the “Restart” option.

Restart windows 11 laptop

Confirm the restart: A confirmation prompt will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to restart your computer. Review your work and make sure everything is saved, then click “Restart.”

Wait for the reboot: Once you’ve clicked “Restart,” your computer will begin the reboot process. It may take a few moments for the system to shut down and start up again. Avoid powering off your computer while the reboot is in progress.


Log in: After the reboot, your computer will start up and present the login screen. Enter your username and password to log in as you normally would.


That’s it! Your windows computer has been rebooted. Rebooting can help resolve certain software issues and refresh system resources, improving overall performance.

To reboot your computer using the Command Prompt (CMD), you can follow these steps:

  • Please search for “Command Prompt” in the Start menu and click on it.


  • In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:
shutdown /r /t 0

The /r parameter stands for “restart,” indicating that you want to reboot the computer.
The /t parameter specifies the time delay before the reboot occurs. In this case, 0 means the reboot will happen immediately.


  • Once you press Enter, the Command Prompt will display a message indicating that the system will be restarted. Make sure you’ve saved any important work before proceeding.


  • The computer will initiate the reboot process after you confirm the command. It may take a few moments for the shutdown and restart to complete.


  • After the reboot, your computer will start up again, and you can log in as usual.


So, that’s all in this blog. I will meet you soon with next stuff. Have a nice day!!!

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Vipan Kumar

He is an Active Directory Consultant. He has been working in IT industry for more than 10 years. He is dedicated and enthusiastic information technology expert who always ready to resolve any technical problem. If you guys need any further help on subject matters, feel free to contact us on admin@windowstechno.com Please subscribe our Facebook page as well website for latest article.

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